Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay the collection charge on vacant land?
No. Collection fees will not be applied to vacant land.
Do ratepayers have to pay the designated [landfill centre] fee for bulk waste disposal or does their tip pass allow them free disposal?
There is "free" disposal for normal household waste. Commercial rubbish and bulk items will attract the existing fee.
How will my bin collection be affected by public holidays?
Your refuse will be collected as normal on most public holidays. The only exception to this is Christmas Day. If your collection day falls on Christmas Day then alternative arrangements will be made and you will be advised in advance.
I have a really long drive way, how can I get my bin to the road verge?
The contractor (Avon Waste) have available for purchase Wheelie Bin Towing Brackets that easily attach to a vehicle tow ball. Alternatively, there are other suppliers available that sell similar brackets, including the Shire Administration.
What items are/aren't acceptable to recycle?
Acceptable items to place in your yellow recycle bin:
Items that you should not place in your yellow recycle bin:

What will happen to the recyclable material collected?
Under the contract all recyclable materials collected will be transferred to a Materials Recovery Facility in Perth. No materials collected in the recycling bins will be placed in the Muchea or Bindoon Landfill Centre's, other than loads which have been heavily contaminated and which cannot be sorted. This will not only result in efficient recycling practices but also reduce the volume of waste deposited at the tip-face, thus extending the useable life of the landfill sites in the shire.
My bins weren't emptied - what should I do?
Contact Shire Administration on 9576 4600.
My bin/bins have been stolen.
Contact Shire Administration on 9576 4600 to arrange replacements.