Muchea Recreation Centre

Architect impression of Muchea Rec Centre

(Photo: Architect impression of new facility) 

Current Status

Feasibility study complete

✅Community engagement undertaken

Concept plan completed

Business case and cost benefit analysis complete

CSRFF Forward Planning Grant approved

Co-contributions confirmed

✅Architect appointed - Site Architecture Studio

Reference Group formed

Detailed design and costings complete

Construction tenders awarded - Geared Construction Pty Ltd. 

Facility Management Plan approved by Council

Project Management Team:  

  • Principal Building Surveyor (Project Manager)
  • Community Development Coordinator (Community Engagement)
  • Site Architecture Studio (Architect)

Community Updates

Media releases

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Major sponsors:


This Muchea Recreation Centre Project has been made possible with funding from the State Government's Small Grants Program Election Commitments program, delivered by the Wheatbelt Development Commission

Other sponsors: