
There are approximately 100 species of mosquitoes in Western Australia (WA), several of which are serious pests and/or disease vectors.

Effective mosquito management can help to minimise the public health risk, spread of mosquito borne diseases and the general nuisance that is caused by mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are known to cause several diseases to humans including Ross River Virus, which is why it is important to reduce breeding locations.

How to minimise the impact of mosquitoes

Take simple preventative safety measures whilst outdoors such as:

  • Applying personal insect repellent. (read directions for safe application)
  • Covering up by wearing light coloured loose-fitting long sleeve shirts and long pants.
  • Avoiding outdoor exposure to mosquitoes from dusk and the first few hours after dark.

Minimise breeding sources on your property such as:

  • Stagnant fishponds and swimming pools
  • Pot plants that hold water
  • Inside stems of certain plants
  • Containers like wheelbarrows, wading pools, bird baths and tyres
  • Turn over small boats or cover with a tarp and ensure it does not collect water
  • Ensure fly screens are fitted and well maintained on doors and windows
  • Keep drains and gutters clean so water will drain
  • Aerate ornamental pools with a fountain or stock them with fish
  • Use yellow light bulbs for outdoor lighting during times of high mosquito numbers.

Mosquitoes are known to breed in Rainwater Tanks

Many properties within the Shire make use of rainwater tanks as a water source for their homes, gardens, crops etc.

Rainwater tanks provide an excellent habitat for mosquitoes to breed in as all mosquitoes require standing water to complete their life cycles.

Mosquitoes usually lay eggs on the water’s surface, damp ground and in containers like pot plant saucers, birdbaths and rainwater tanks.

Adult mosquitoes can enter a poorly constructed or maintained rainwater tank through any gap, opening or pipe.

Always ensure that rainwater tanks are well maintained, properly installed, cleaned and regularly monitored for any signs of mosquitoes or their larvae.