Meeting Guidelines
- All speakers should be clear and to-the-point, and speak through the Presiding Member at all times
- Members of the general public are not permitted to enter into debate with Elected Members or Shire staff
- Any correspondence received after the agenda has been finalised will not be reflected in the Shire Officer's report and will not be distributed to Elected Members by administration
- No late documents may be brought into Council Chambers on the day of the meeting for distribution to Elected Members
- To minimise disruption during meetings please ensure that your mobile phone is switched off being entering Council Chambers
- You may enter and leave the Council Chambers at any point during the meeting
- The Shire's administration centre is a non-smoking venue
- Toilet facilities are available - please ask a Shire staff member for directions
- There is to be no recording device taken into any meetings

Procedure for Petitions
Please note the following protocol for submissions of petitions. Petitions must:
- be addressed to the Shire President
- be made by electors of the district
- state the request on each page of the petition
- contain the names, addresses and signatures of the elector(s) making the request, and the date each elector signed
- contain a summary of the reasons for the request
- state the name and address of the person whom arranged the petition for correspondence to be delivered to, as correspondence is not sent to all the signatures on the petition
Where a petition does not relate to or conform to the above it may be treated as an 'informal' petition and the Chief Executive Officer may at his discretion forward the petition to Council accompanied by an officer report.
Procedures for Deputations
A deputation is your opportunity to make a statement to Council on any item that is listed on a Council meeting agenda. An owner, applicant or any member of the public who has an interest in the item can make a deputation at an Agenda Forum or at an Ordinary Council meeting - but not at both. Deputations need to be made in person.
Where a deputation has been agreed to, during the meeting the Presiding Member will call upon the relevant person(s) to come forward and address Council.
A Deputation invited to attend a Council meeting:
- is not to exceed five persons, only two of whom may address the Council, although others may respond to specific questions from Members;
- is not to address the Council for a period exceeding 10 minutes without the agreement of the Council; and
- additional members of the deputation may be allowed to speak with the agreement of the Presiding Member
Your deputation should focus on the agenda item before Council and should address the following:
- Do you agree with or object to the officer recommendation in the report?
- State your reasons for agreeing with or objecting to the officer recommendation.
We request that you do not repeat the comments and/or concerns of other deputees.
To make a Deputation at a Council Meeting please complete the Deputation Request Form.
Deputation Request Form
Procedure for Presentations
Notice of presentations being accepted by Council on behalf of the community, or agencies presenting a proposal, need to be received by 5pm on the day before the meeting and agreed to by the Presiding Member. Please contact the Shire's Executive Support Services on (08) 9576 4600 or email to arrange your presentation.
Where the Council is making a presentation to a worthy recipient, the recipient will be advised in advance and asked to attend the Council meeting to receive the award.
All presentations will be received/awarded by the Presiding Member.