What are Agenda Forums
Public Question Time Submissions
Agenda Forums are specifically for Agenda items which are to be considered by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting of Council. They involve Councillors, relevant staff and, where appropriate, external consultants. Questions from the public on Agenda items only are permitted.
Agenda Forums are not for decision making. They are to provide the opportunity for Councillors to be equally informed and seek additional information on matters prior to the presentation of such matters to the next Ordinary Meeting of Council for formal consideration and decision.
Agenda Forums are held on the Wednesday the week prior to the Ordinary Meeting of Council and commence at 7pm. Council will set the date, time and duration of Agenda Forums when adopting its meeting schedule for Ordinary Council Meetings.
There is to be no electronic, visual or audio recording or transmitting device or instrument is permitted to be used. Any person found using such a device will be required to leave the premises.
Forum Agenda
The agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of Council will be distributed to Councillors on the Friday prior to the Agenda Forum. Matters listed on the Council Agenda will be the same matters for discussion at the Forum. The schedule of the Forum will be made available to members of the public at the Forum.
Public Attendance
Forums are generally open to the public who have the opportunity to ask questions. The public are required to be respectful and abide by the directions of the Presiding Member in relation to their conduct. A failure to observe decorum or a direction from the Presiding Member will result in the member of the public being asked to leave the premises.
Forums will be closed to members of the public when matters that are to discussed are recommended to be dealt with as a confidential matter under the Local Government act 1995, s.23(2); and/or the Presiding Member considers on the advice of the Chief Executive Officer, could be dealt with as a confidential item.
Public Question Time
At an Agenda Forum you are able to ask questions on matters contained on the Agenda. At each Forum, 15 minutes is allowed for public question time.
Please note that no debate or discussion of questions and answers can take place at the Forum.
We encourage you to submit your questions to us before the Forum; this will allow us to prepare a response and provide it to you at the Forum.
Presentations and Deputations
Members of the public and applicants will have the opportunity to present or make a deputation to Council at an Agenda Forum. The purpose for allowing presentations and deputations is so members of Council have the opportunity to ask questions of members of the public and/or applicant.
Requests for presentations and deputations will only be allowed at either the Forum or Council meeting – not at both.
Record of Proceedings
Detailed minutes of Forums will not be kept.