Volunteer in Chittering
Volunteering not only makes a difference to your local community, but it also has many benefits for the individual.
You get to be involved in something that you're passionate about, make new friends and form professional contacts, learn new skills, gain work experience, and enjoy new social and cultural experiences.
There are many groups and clubs within the Shire who rely upon volunteers and would love to hear from you.
Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades
Join a Brigade!
Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades welcome residents who are prepared to join and assist in fire prevention and fire fighting.
Volunteer fire fighters learn to operate the wide array of equipment, vehicles and appliances used in fire suppression operations. Equipment used includes charged hose lines, portable pumps, tankers, and communications. Induction training is available for all new volunteers.
You need not be an 'active' fire fighter but be part of the Incident Support Brigade which is of great assistance to our active fire fighters and support crews in areas such as headquarters operations, welfare, communications, recruitment, and Bush Fire Ready Groups.
The Shire of Chittering strongly supports the recruitment of both male and female volunteers representing a wide diversity of ages, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. This is also a great opportunity to meet new people that are prepared to share their knowledge on fire behaviour and become more familiar with the surroundings in your area.
Chittering Fire Service needs your help to continue to provide the this essential service to our community!
St John Ambulance
St John volunteers deliver event health and community services, raise funds, and attend events.
Becoming a volunteer is a rewarding way to meet new people, help the community, and save lives through First Aid and advanced pre-hospital care.
To become a volunteer with the Chittering/Gingin Sub Centre please call 9575 3420 on Thursdays or Fridays or email ginginbindoonambo@bigpond.com

Chittering Landcare Centre
The Chittering Landcare Centre offer numerous services to the community and are always on the lookout for volunteers to help with these services. The ways in which you can volunteer with them include: planting trees during winter, joining one of their community groups, and helping out during the year at one of their many workshops and activities.
To register your interest please email chitteringlandcare@iinet.net.au or phone 9571 0400.

Chittering Tourist Association
If you're passionate about where we live and want to spread the word about our gorgeous region, volunteering at the Chittering Tourist Association may be for you.
The CTA runs the Chittering Visitor Centre in the heart of Bindoon and volunteers there greet visitors to the area, provide maps and information, and promote local amenities and businesses.
They also organise one of the showcase events of the year - the Chittering Spring Festival and volunteers are the backbone of the event.
They not only help set up and pack down the festival, but help out on the day as stewards, man stalls, and do the myriad other little things that pull together a great day.
To get in touch with the CTA, email bindinfo@iinet.net.au or phone 9576 1100.

Bindoon Library
The Bindoon Library is the sole public library servicing the Shire of Chittering and can be found adjourning the Shire administration building in Bindoon. It is staffed by one full-time customer service officer but relies upon volunteers to open the Library on Saturdays from 9am to 12pm. Volunteers check items in and out, help members with requests and searches, and sign up new members and generally work one Saturday per month.
To enquire if there are any volunteer positions available at the Library, please email library@chittering.wa.gov.au or phone 9576 4610.

Bindoon and Districts Agricultural Society
Each year the Agricultural Society bring us the Bindoon Show.
This single day event is a highlight of the year and takes many, many man hours to bring it all together.
Volunteers are needed in the lead up to the Show to help with planning, preparation, and setup, then on the day they act as stewards, manning the gates, liaising with stall holders, and helping out in the bar, and then there's the pack up!
Email enquiry@bindoonshow.com or phone 0457 103 033.

Chittering Wildlife Carers
Chittering Wildlife Carers are a not-for-profit organisation that aims to treat and care for sick, injured, and immature native wildlife in order to re-establish rehabilitated wildlife into their natural environment.
New members and volunteers are always welcome. In addition to wildlife carers the group is always keen to hear from anyone who can provide their time and services to help in other ways.
Below are just some of the ways in which members can help:
- Animal Taxi
- Attendance at Shows and Events
- Book-keeping and Administration
- Fund-raising
- Promotion and Publicity
- Veterinary services for sick and injured wildlife
To become a volunteer, contact any of their group committee members or go along to one of their general meetings.