Mark emigrated from South Africa in 2007 with his wife and 2 children, adding 2 more children once settled in Australia. Mark and his family have lived in Lower Chittering since 2015.
Mark is eager to see sustainable growth across the whole region. Growth should be sensible with a long-term strategy in place ensuring our unique lifestyle is maintained. This includes capitalising on MIP by expanding basic services to include sewerage and gas to attract a wider range of industry as Mark believes a diverse economy is a stronger economy. Mark’s strategic plan and aspiration for the community is to:
• Promote and develop local businesses working with Chittering Tourist and Business Association.
• Address aged care facilities and support.
• Develop community spaces for all to enjoy and utilise which will in turn develop stronger community spirit.
Mark is an A-Grade electrician and has worked in the Electrical and Automation industry for 28 years and currently manages a portfolio of services contracts for a global leader in the Industrial Automation industry. He is the South Pacific Lead for Strategic Service and Maintenance Contracts.
Mark participates in long distance triathlons (Ironman and half-Ironman). An Ironman race day starts with a 3.8km swim, 180km bike ride and 42.2km run.
Council appointed Committees/Advisory Groups/External Committees/Boards:
• Audit and Risk Committee
• Bindoon Mountain Bike Park Reference Group
• Bindoon Mountain Bike Park Advisory Group
• Chittering Tourism Advisory Group
• Rural Water Council of WA
• Lower Chittering Hall Replacement Project Reference Group