Carmel and her husband have lived on a farm north of Bindoon since 2010.
Living on a local farm with beef cattle and a vineyard, Carmel appreciates rural life in the Shire, conscious that each locality has developed its distinctive identity and sense of community, with unique needs and aspirations that will shape the future.
Carmel is committed to maintaining and improving the sustainability of the lifestyle and amenity of the Shire and providing services and infrastructure that encourage others to become part of this attractive area.
Carmel is self-employed, with over forty years’ experience in management and governance of medium and large organisations. As a former board member of the Wheatbelt Development Commission, she has experience in regional development and the issues faced by non-metropolitan shires.
Carmel believes local government is about listening to each community and making sound decisions that foster an enjoyable and prosperous future. She believes the role of Councillors is to provide skilled governance that ensures good future planning and the responsible use of resources.
Carmel is a Registered Psychologist who holds a Master of Business Administration; a Master of Arts in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Theology. Carmel’s professional memberships include being a Graduate Member of Australian Institute of Company Directors; a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and a Chartered Member of the Australian Human Resources Institute. She is a Board Director of Mercy Ministry Companions Ltd and McAuley Property Ltd and is also Mercy Associates Executive Officer at the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
Council appointed Committees/Advisory Groups/External Committees/Boards:
• Audit and Risk Committee
• Chittering Bush Fire Advisory Committee – Chair
• Wannamal Community Centre Committee – Council representative
• Chittering Tourism Advisory Group
• Midwest/Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel