Library fines and fees
The Bindoon Library has followed the recommendation of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and as of the 2019/2020 financial year abolished overdue, late, and lost/damaged fines and fees. We believe that a public library service should be free for all and that fines and fees hinder accessibility to library services.
Members will still receive overdue notices for items, requesting their return or renewal and we hope that members respect the loan periods placed on items (currently 4 weeks). If you require a longer loan period, you can either make the request at the time of borrowing, or you can contact the library via phone, email, by messaging us on social media, or by coming to see us in person to request an extension to your loan. The only time this will be denied is if a Hold has already been placed on the item in which case you will need to return the item by its due date and a Hold will be placed for you when the next borrower has finished with it.
Members who regularly fail to return items on time will have access to their accounts suspended until the items are returned. If items have been lost or damaged, we understand that these things do happen and we simply ask that you advise us so we can remove the items from our catalogue.