Verge Policy Adoption - Feedback

Published on Wednesday, 3 August 2022 at 10:13:15 AM

Feedback is sought from the community on the newly adopted Verge Policy. 

Due to the extensive quantity of verges within the Shire, it is impractical for the Shire to assign the level of resources that would be required to maintain all of the verges – without it impacting on rates. This situation is similar to almost all local governments in Western Australia, except that with our larger properties, the cost per ratepayer would be even larger if the Shire were to maintain verges.

To ensure the responsibilities of each party are understood, at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 July 2022, Council resolved to adopt a verge maintenance policy. The intended purpose of the newly endorsed policy is to outline Councils expectation, responsibilities, and the extent to which verge maintenance services will be provided by the Shire in the overall management of the road reserve and verges, within the Shire of Chittering. 

As a result the Shire requires all residents and commercial property owners to endeavour to maintain the verge adjacent to their property for their own benefit, the benefit of their neighbourhood and the wider Chittering community. The complete new policy can be viewed here

Feedback can be submitted until 4pm Friday 19 August 2022 and addressed to CEO Matthew Gilfellon at or submitted in person at the Administration office at 6177 Great Northern Highway, Bindoon.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Technical Services Department by email on or telephone on (08) 9576 4600.

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