Scheme Amendment 72 - Rezoning of Lot 1942 (RN 293) Morley Road, Lower Chittering (Closed)
Posted: 08/02/2022 Closing Date: 22/03/2022 04:00 PM
At its meeting held 3 December 2021, Council resolved to initiate Scheme Amendment No. 72 of Local Planning Scheme No.6 for advertising.
The amendment seeks to rezone Lot 1942 (RN 293) Morley Road, Lower Chittering from Agricultural Resource to Rural Residential.
The amendment is accompanied by detailed reports relating to bushfire risk, environmental studies, and a local water management plan.
The Scheme Amendment documents are provided in 'Documents' on the right of this page.
If you wish to make written comment on this application please address such to the Chief Executive Officer by Tuesday 22 March 2022.
Comments can be emailed to or posted to PO BOX 70, BINDOON WA 6502.
The below illustrates the land affected by the proposal: