Public Notice - Great Northern Highway, Bindoon Bypass, Western Australia (Closed)

Main Roads Western Australia proposes to construct a bypass around Bindoon town and Bindoon Hill, located within the Shire of Chittering approximately 70km north east of Perth and approximately 13km north of Muchea, Western Australia.  The Bindoon Bypass will divert from the existing GNH at the Chittering Roadhouse, running to the west of Bindoon and re-joining the GNH north of Calingiri Road.  This will involve the construction of 47km of new highway.  The proposed action occurs in the Bindoon region, Western Australia.

The proposed action has been determined to be a controlled action under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and will be assessed through Prelminary Documentation.  The controlling provision under Part 3 of the EPBC Act is listed threatened and communities (section 18 and 18A).

In accordance with Section 95A(3) of the EPBc Act, Preliminary Documentation related to the proposed action is available for viewing and comment for a minimum of 10 business days from the date of advertisement.

The Preliminary Documentation is available at the following locations or can be viewed electronically at the Main Roads internet site -

  • State Library of Western Australia - 15 Francis Street, Perth  WA  6000;
  • Shire of Chittering Council Offices - 6177 Great Northern Highway, Bindoon  WA  6502;
  • Shire of Gingin Council Offices - 7 Brockman Street, Gingin  WA  6503.

Hard copies of the document may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packaging) or an electronic version is available free of charge from:

Main Roads Western Australia
Don Atiken Centre
Waterloo Crescent
East Perth   WA   6004

Telephone - 138 138

Comments are to be received by Thursday 2 July 2020 and addressed to:

John Braid
Principal Environmental Officer
Main Roads Western Australia

Contact Details

Name: John Braid, Principal Environmental Officer, Main Roads WA

Phone: +61 8 9323 6183
