Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 69 and Local Structure Plan Amendment; Wildflower Ridge Estate (Lot 9002 Reserve Rd, Chittering) (Closed)
Posted: 03/06/2021 Closing Date: 16/07/2021 04:00 PM
At its meeting held 9 December 2020, Council resolved to adopt Scheme Amendment No. 69 for advertising, which seeks to increase the density code (R-code) of Lot 9002 Reserve Rd, Chittering from ‘R2’ to ‘R5’, and modify the Military Considerations Special Control Area under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No. 6.
In association with the Scheme Amendment, an amendment to the Local Structure plan has been prepared and is also being advertised for comment. Details of both are provided in the attachments on the right of this page.
The below illustrates the land affected by the proposals:
Letters have been sent to landowners within 2.5km radius of the site on Friday 4 June 2021.
If you wish to make written comment on this application please do so by 16 July 2021. This can be done by letter or by emailing
Whilst the Scheme Amendment and Local Structure Plan are being advertised together, it is important to understand that each are processed separately, and any comment made to the Shire, should clearly indicate which matter is being referred to.