Proposed Local Development Plan – Lot 1942 Morley Road, Lower Chittering (Closed)

The Shire is in receipt of a Local Development Plan for Lot 1942 Morley Road, Lower Chittering.

The Local Development Plan has been developed as a requirement of an approved subdivision over the land. The Local Development Plan seeks to establish the following:

  • Building envelope locations for each lot (all future constructed development is to be contained within a building envelope);
  • Protection of importance trees on each lot; and
  • Suitable locations for future domestic wastewater treatment systems.

A copy of the Local Development Plan can be accessed at the documents tab to the right.

If you wish to make written comment on this application, please address such to the undersigned by the 6 February 2025.

In an effort to improve transparency in decision making, if you choose to provide comment on the application, we advise that your comments, name and address may be included in a publicly available officer report should this application be referred to an Ordinary Council Meeting.

If you require further information please contact the Shire’s Planning Department, by email on or telephone 9576 4600.

Contact Details

Name: Jake Whistler

Job Title: Executive Manager Development Services

Phone: 9576 4600
