Proposed Change of Non-Conforming Use – Production of Black Soldier Flies; 3505 Great Northern Highway, Muchea (Closed)
Posted: 01/10/2024 Closing Date: 12/11/2024 04:30 PM
The Shire is in receipt of an Application for Development Approval for a change of non-conforming use to the production of black soldier flies at 3505 Great Northern Highway, Muchea.
The property currently operates under a non-confirming use right for a poultry farm. The poultry farm has reached the end of its operational lifespan, and the applicant has proposed to utilise one of the existing poultry sheds and seven additional sea containers for the production of black soldier flies (BSF).
The proposed development is anticipated to be less detrimental to the amenity of the locality than the current use of the poultry farms and can therefore be considered for approval.
The BSF is a non-pest species which upon maturity is not attracted to human habitation or foods and cannot survive for a long period of time in the greater Perth region outside of a suitable facility.
If you wish to make written comment on this application please address such to the Chief Executive Officer by the 12 November 2024 by emailing
Information and plans pertaining to the application can be found to the right.