Local Laws Review (Closed)
Posted: 04/09/2020 Closing Date: 16/10/2020 04:00 PM
The Shire of Chittering is undertaking a review of the following local laws in accordance with section 3.16 of the Local Government Act 1995:
As part of the review, the Shire is seeking community feedback on each local law to help identify whether any of these require amendment or repeal.
For further information, and to view the local laws, please visit the “Have Your Say” section on the Shire’s website at chittering.wa.gov.au, or contact the Shire’s Regulatory Officer-Legal on 9576 4627 or via email to rlo2@chittering.wa.gov.au, or obtained free of charge from the Shire’s office.
Submissions accepted: Friday 4 September - Friday 16 October 2020.