Disability Access and Inclusion Survey (Closed)
Posted: 31/08/2022 Closing Date: 27/09/2022 10:00 AM
The Shire of Chittering is currently reviewing the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) with intent to update for the next four year period. To support this review the Shire is seeking community and stakeholder feedback as to whether the Shire is adequately supporting Disability Access and Inclusion across Shire service provision and facilities; aligning to the WA Government's Disability Services Commission's outcomes.
The Shire is seeking to understand the experiences and needs of people with a disability for consideration in the development of a realistic and achievable DAIP while factoring in prioritisation (including discretionary versus non-discretionary), planning requirements and implementation. It is aimed to have final DAIP 2023-2026 publicly available via the Shire's website in early 2023.
To provide you feedback, please access the Survey as follows:
- Via online Survey link at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SoCDAIP ;
- Obtain a hard copy survey by collecting from the Shire's Library or Administration Office; or
- Download a hard copy from here to print and complete.
Survey submissions close 10am, Tuesday 27 September 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact the Shire of Chittering’s Community Development team by phone at 9576 4600 or email chatter@chittering.wa.gov.au Subject: DAIP Review.