Development Application – Proposed Liquor Store; 17 Binda Place, Bindoon (Closed)

The Shire is in receipt of an Application for Development Approval for a liquor store (use not listed) at 17 Binda Place, Bindoon. This application is being processed as a ‘use not listed’ application as the land use ‘liquor store’ is not an identified land use within the Shire of Chittering Local Planning Scheme No. 6 Zoning Table.

The property is currently vacant with no development on the property. The applicant is proposing to construct a building which is to be utilised as a liquor store and operated by the company Liquor Barons. The building will be constructed out of both Colorbond and concrete sheeting. The rear portion will be constructed out of Colorbond sheeting in a ‘Wind Spray’ colour with the trimming being a ‘Surf Mist’ finish. The frontage of the building will be constructed out of concrete materials with a ‘Classic Cream’ colour finish.

It is estimated that the business will serve between 100 and 150 customers on the peak traffic days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the maximum number of customers per hour being under 30. During the peak time period, the minimum car bays needed to service the customers at any given point will be three bays. The applicant has stated that five car parking bays will be located in front of the building, with an overflow parking available at the intersection of Great Northern Highway and Binda Place if necessary.

The liquor store has proposed to employ two full time staff and two casual staff to operate on the following days:

  • Monday – Thursday: 9am – 7pm;
  • Friday – Saturday: 9am – 8pm; and
  • Sunday – 11am – 6pm.

If you wish to make written comment on this application please address such to the Chief Executive Officer by the 6 December 2024 by emailing

Information and plans pertaining to the application can be found to the right.

Contact Details

Name: Isaac Parfrey

Job Title: Senior Planning Officer

Phone: 9576 4600
