Continuation of Crushing and Screening Facility; Lot 202 Wandena Road, Chittering (Closed)

In 2015, the Shire of Chittering Council granted Development Approval for an exhausted clay pit to be used for a ‘crushing and screening land fill facility’ at the above address. The clay pit was to be filled with inert, crushed building materials to fill the void of the clay pit and enable its further use into the future.

This ‘crushing and screening land fill facility’ has been in operation for 4 years, with the Development Approval set to expire in July 2021. As the exhausted clay pit is yet to be filled, the applicant has requested an extension to the term of the Development Approval for a further 10 years.

As an owner of a property that was originally consulted on the proposal in 2015, the Shire wishes to afford you an opportunity to provide comment on this application to extend the approval period for a further 10 years.

The applicant has not requested any other changes to the Council approval issued in 2015. Further information on the details of the operation (including a 2020 groundwater monitoring report) are provided as links on the left.

If you wish to make written comment on this application please address such to the undersigned by the 28 August 2020.

Please email your comments to

In an effort to improve transparency in decision making, if you choose to provide comment on the application we advise that your comments, name and address may be included in a publically available officer report should this application be referred to an Ordinary Council Meeting.

Contact Details

Name: Jake Whistler

Phone: 95764600
