Chittering Community Complex Update (Closed)

The Shire of Chittering, with support from the Australian Governments’ Building Better Regions Fund, is delivering to the Chittering community a state of the art community, sport and recreation facilities in Lower Chittering and Muchea.

Council resolved at the March 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting to proceed with the Chittering Community Centre – with variations. The original BBRF Grant and Shire of Chittering contribution was for a Community Centre, Sports Hall and Playing Field at Lower Chittering. The intention now is to build a community centre at Lower Chittering, and a new club and changerooms at Muchea.
To enable this, a grant variation has been submitted to the AusIndustry BBRF Team. Before proceeding, the Grant variation must first be accepted by the BBRF.

The proposed variation will see the completion of two facilities:

  • Lower Chittering

A new Community Centre building. The aim of the Community Centre will be to provide a facility in which some shire services can be provided, programs for all ages can be run and most importantly provide a space where community members can connect with each other. Some recreation will be provided but there will be no indoor sports centre and a playing field will only be provided if it can be fully funded by external funds.

  • Muchea

A new Club and Changeroom facility to be built adjacent to the existing oval at Muchea. This will encourage greater participation in sports, particularly female and junior participants who are currently put off by the standard of the current change rooms.
The purpose of the project variation is to use the Grant Funding and the Shire of Chittering contribution to benefit the maximum number of rate payers of all ages and genders.

Update as at 10 June 2020: 

A variation request has been submitted to the AusIndustry BBRF team seeking support for the completion of a new Community Centre at Lower Chittering and;  a new Club and Changeroom facility at the Muchea Oval.  The outcome of this request is expected soon. 

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